199 - Redfield Hardware Company

The shop between Gwilliams and Olivers. Traditional Victorian ironmongers usually presented a Picture treasure house of items and were renowned for their impressive displays of products 'outside the shop' on the pavement.

So it was with this shop, in 1900 run by Mr Blackmore. Candles, pots and pans of all sizes, all types of tools, knives, household goods, tin baths, oil and firewood were all sold.

In the 1930s and '40s it was known as Hillier's before being called the Redfield Hardware Co in the 1950s. The use of the word hardware was interesting, this being a term popular in the United States.

One Redfield resident recalls "It was always known as 'My Dears' because the owner always used this expression when he served you."

Redfield Hardware closed in 1963 and Cyril Dark Carpets acquired the premises when they moved up from Lawrence Hill. In July 1980 No.199 burnt down. The site was empty until 1994 when new shops and flats were built.

Redfield Hardware next to Olivers     
and just along from the Granada.     

Construction work on the corner of Victoria Parade in 1994; the site of the old Redfield Hardware shop, Gwilliams and Olivers being redeveloped. The old Granada cinema, then a bingo club and Heals butchers would be converted into St.Georges Hall four years later.

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