The radio shop in Church Road was situated next door to the White Lion public house. Initially it was Ernie Rogers wireless apparatus shop. By the start of the 1950s it was known as Redfield & Wessex Radio. Les Furnivall recalls: 'In the 1940s early '50s I used to go from my house in Avon Park, along Morse Road to this radio shop. The reason for this trip was to take the lead acid accumulator battery for recharging. The accumulator powered the radio valve heaters. Taking the accumulator was a regular job at the time.' Redfield and Wessex Radio in the 1950s.
By the mid 1980s the television business had left No.145. The shop was converted into the Still Late Café. This was associated with the White Lion public house next door. However the café was relatively short lived and after closure the premises was used by a boxing club. It was then used as a storeroom for the pub (known since 1996 as The Old Stillage). In the summer of 2013 work began turning the space into a café. The Old Stillage Café opened on 27th September 2013.