There has been a Post Office in Church Road for over 100 years. The first was at 213 Church Road which in 1900 was run by George Skidmore. This premises remained as a Post Office until the late 1920s when it was taken over by Kifts the furnishers.
The Redfield Post Office then moved to 112 Church Road on the corner of Weight Road. The Post Mistress there was Miss Mabel Rogers. After being the Redfield Post Office it became a drapers. In the 1980s it was used by Eagle Coaches as a booking office. Although this building has not been a Post Office for many years, at the time of writing a 1980 type pillar-box remains outside the premises.
Another move took place around 1960. A distinctive single storey building was erected on an empty site at the top of Chalks Road opposite the St. George Park main entrance (above).
Chalks Road Post Office closed in 2006 and a temporary Post Office was established at 136 Church Road (left). This had been Redfield Wallpaper & Paint.
After a few years at this location the Post Office moved further along to its present site, 128 Church Road (right). From the 1920s until 1967 this had been the premises of Haywards Chemists. A large sign at roof level proclaiming 'Haywards Cash Chemists' remained visible on the building until the mid 1980s.