In 1900 William Kift was trading at 211 Church Road. At this time the Redfield Post Office occupied the neighbouring shop. Kifts were a long established firm of house furnishers. They sold reasonably priced items such as dining furniture, three-piece suites and bedroom pieces. The business was so successful that by the 1950s it had taken over the adjoining premises, No 213. At that time Kifts were advertising their products on the 'big screen' in the Granada Cinema before the main feature film started. Kifts traded into the 1970s but the Church Road shop had closed by 1980.
<-- Kifts occupied the three storey building on the right of this picture, which was taken in 1964. The car is a Ford Cortina Mark 1.
Dave Cheesley recalls: "Kifts was a popular shop selling cheap furniture, in particular kitchen cabinets, tables, chairs and three piece suites. This type of shop was hit hard in the 1970s by superstores such as MFI offering cheap self-assembly furniture."
During 1980/81 Kifts old shop was subject to a total rebuild to create the new Redfield branch of National Westminster Bank. This was opened in the summer of 1981 and closed recently due to the rise of online banking.